1. 下载包安装Openresty
openresty-下载地址 https://openresty.org/download/openresty-
2. 配置
2.1 nginx.conf
user root;worker_processes 20;error_log logs/error.log notice;events { worker_connections 1024;}http { include mime.types; default_type application/octet-stream; server { listen 8082; server_name localhost; # 最大允许上传的文件大小 client_max_body_size 200m; location / { root html; index index.html index.htm; } set $store_dir "/sdf/slb/openresty/nginx/html/download/"; # 文件存储路径 # 文件上传接口:http://xxx:8082/upfile location /upfile { content_by_lua_file conf/lua/upload.lua; # 实现文件上传的逻辑 } # 文件下载入口: http://xxx:8082/download location /download { autoindex on; autoindex_localtime on; root html; index index.html; } # redirect server error pages to the static page /50x.html error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html; location = /50x.html { root html; } }}
2.2 upload.lua(文件位于conf/lua/upload.lua)
-- upload.lua--==========================================-- 文件上传--==========================================local upload = require "resty.upload"local cjson = require "cjson"local chunk_size = 4096local form, err = upload:new(chunk_size)if not form then ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "failed to new upload: ", err) ngx.exit(ngx.HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)endform:set_timeout(1000)-- 字符串 split 分割string.split = function(s, p) local rt= {} string.gsub(s, '[^'..p..']+', function(w) table.insert(rt, w) end ) return rtend-- 支持字符串前后 trimstring.trim = function(s) return (s:gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1"))end-- 文件保存的根路径local saveRootPath = ngx.var.store_dir-- 保存的文件对象local fileToSave--文件是否成功保存local ret_save = falsewhile true do local typ, res, err = form:read() if not typ then ngx.say("failed to read: ", err) return end if typ == "header" then -- 开始读取 http header -- 解析出本次上传的文件名 local key = res[1] local value = res[2] if key == "Content-Disposition" then -- 解析出本次上传的文件名 -- form-data; name="testFileName"; filename="testfile.txt" local kvlist = string.split(value, ';') for _, kv in ipairs(kvlist) do local seg = string.trim(kv) if seg:find("filename") then local kvfile = string.split(seg, "=") local filename = string.sub(kvfile[2], 2, -2) if filename then fileToSave = io.open(saveRootPath .. filename, "w+") if not fileToSave then ngx.say("failed to open file ", filename) return end break end end end end elseif typ == "body" then -- 开始读取 http body if fileToSave then fileToSave:write(res) end elseif typ == "part_end" then -- 文件写结束,关闭文件 if fileToSave then fileToSave:close() fileToSave = nil end ret_save = true elseif typ == "eof" then -- 文件读取结束 break else ngx.log(ngx.INFO, "do other things") endendif ret_save then ngx.say("save file ok")end
3. 测试
3.1 启动openresty
3.2 上传文件
3.3 下载文件
x. 参考资料